2008-07-02 16:01:09 UTC
Someone wrote about gastroparesis (GP) and migraine. There does seem
to be a connection between the two. I was part of a parents’ group on
Yahoo and was surprised to notice about half of the active posters had
children that also got migraines. My 11 yo daughter developed GP
after a virus, but had previously had migraines, plus had family
history of migraine, plus the migraines were worsened by the chronic
GP that gave her anxiety!
Grace’s GP was called “benign post-viral.” We presume a virus damaged
the vagus nerve, which controls movement of food through the stomach.
GP is a motility disorder. Until the damage began to heal (about 10
months), she had severe reflux, heartburn, abdominal pain, and
diarrhea. She was initially treated as if it were GERD
(gastroesophageal reflux disorder), but symptoms worsened and didn’t
improve with OTC or Rx treatment. You can take OTC histamine
antagonists (H2 antagonist) like Axid AR, Pepcid AC, Tagamet HB,
Zantac 75; and proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) like Prilosec. Grace had
no luck with antacids like Maalox.
Definitive diagnosis is made with GI imaging tests (upper and/or
lower), gastric emptying test (radioisotope scintography), and finally
an endoscopy. My daughter’s endoscopy, done 5 months after she first
started symptoms, showed a full stomach of food 14 hours after her
last meal! Her meds were quadrupled immediately. Meds include:
Prevacid, Reglan, Levsin for pain. Note, though, some stomach meds
have side effects including headaches (!) and depression. We are just
now stopping Reglan for this reason. Grace has had chronic daily
headache since March, and increasing deep depression. We expect
Zoloft to help her out now.
You must change your diet with GP: no acid, no fried, no spicy, watch
dairy, don’t eat within 2 hours of bedtime, no alcohol, no caffeine,
avoid stress. My daughter slept on a wedge, so gravity helped at
night. Improvement occurred gradually, until we could reduce her
Other causes of GP are diabetes, trauma, surgery, etc. My daughter
was lucky hers was post-viral and healed. Other GP sufferers, and
infants, sadly, need tubes and other interventions and may not
to be a connection between the two. I was part of a parents’ group on
Yahoo and was surprised to notice about half of the active posters had
children that also got migraines. My 11 yo daughter developed GP
after a virus, but had previously had migraines, plus had family
history of migraine, plus the migraines were worsened by the chronic
GP that gave her anxiety!
Grace’s GP was called “benign post-viral.” We presume a virus damaged
the vagus nerve, which controls movement of food through the stomach.
GP is a motility disorder. Until the damage began to heal (about 10
months), she had severe reflux, heartburn, abdominal pain, and
diarrhea. She was initially treated as if it were GERD
(gastroesophageal reflux disorder), but symptoms worsened and didn’t
improve with OTC or Rx treatment. You can take OTC histamine
antagonists (H2 antagonist) like Axid AR, Pepcid AC, Tagamet HB,
Zantac 75; and proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) like Prilosec. Grace had
no luck with antacids like Maalox.
Definitive diagnosis is made with GI imaging tests (upper and/or
lower), gastric emptying test (radioisotope scintography), and finally
an endoscopy. My daughter’s endoscopy, done 5 months after she first
started symptoms, showed a full stomach of food 14 hours after her
last meal! Her meds were quadrupled immediately. Meds include:
Prevacid, Reglan, Levsin for pain. Note, though, some stomach meds
have side effects including headaches (!) and depression. We are just
now stopping Reglan for this reason. Grace has had chronic daily
headache since March, and increasing deep depression. We expect
Zoloft to help her out now.
You must change your diet with GP: no acid, no fried, no spicy, watch
dairy, don’t eat within 2 hours of bedtime, no alcohol, no caffeine,
avoid stress. My daughter slept on a wedge, so gravity helped at
night. Improvement occurred gradually, until we could reduce her
Other causes of GP are diabetes, trauma, surgery, etc. My daughter
was lucky hers was post-viral and healed. Other GP sufferers, and
infants, sadly, need tubes and other interventions and may not